Smart Dumb Comedy – It’s A Thing!

What the heck is this sub-genre of comedy films that are cropping up on our screens? Well, filmmakers aren’t being rude. They just want audiences to know that screenwriters toiled over their keyboards to write “dumb” gags. They are purposefully farcical and deserve more respect than dumb comedies which are poorly developed and badly written….

How Can Screenwriters Get Their Films Financed (and Profitable?)

The film making and film distribution world has changed dramatically. Gone are the days when screenwriters could easily sell their screenplays to Hollywood producers for a million bucks. The modern sobering reality is that screenwriters must now play some role in getting their movies produced. They need to become bona fide movie producers. After you’ve dazzled…

9 Reasons Bad Movies Get Produced

Let’s get one thing clear. Nobody sets out to make a bad movie. Not knowingly at least. Here are some things that could go wrong in the filmmaking process: 1) VANITY PROJECT The filmmaker wanted to showcase their talents; or lack thereof. They have a crew, resources, investment, locations etc. but nothing that is story…

Choosing Your Next Screenplay

Scriptwriters should always be working on multiple screenwriting ideas. Hopefully not all at once. You’d be amazed at how you can come  up with story ideas for one screenplay while working on another. This is the beauty of being a screenwriter. Having many projects in development. At some point we need to decide which screenplay…

Do You Know The Difference Between A Blockbuster And A Tentpole Movie?

These are film industry terms used to designate a film’s box office actual and predicted success. Both terms refer to large-scale studio movies designed to generate maximum profit. Low budget movies that return a profit are often referred to  “breakout hits”. BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES These refer to studio movies that are often large in scope, budget…

More On Pitching

Doug Eboch and Ken Aguado, co-authors of “The Hollywood Pitching Bible”, discuss the key components of a successful pitch. Most pitches range from 15 seconds to 15 minutes long and they are often delivered in an unstructured, spontaneous environment. The key to delivering an effective pitch is to have a compelling idea with a strong…

The Essence Of Science Fiction Stories

Science fiction movies do well at the box office Science fiction is a genre that pushes the boundaries of the current laws of science. The are a hybrid of fantasy and what could happen. Science fiction relates to futuristic technologically advanced societies revolving around a central question of human potential; good or bad, Imagine if…?  Imagine if we were immortal,…

Nine Elements Of Great Films

According to John Truby: 1) They tend to have strong single through line – with one overriding problem or goal for the hero – to give the story drive, momentum, and a sense of priorities, or in the extreme, a sense of the first cause. 2) They occasionally digress from that strong line to allow…

What Is A Blockbuster Movie?

The term blockbuster used to describe a studio franchisable movie with a production budget of at least $100 million. This compares with a typical studio movie which often has a production budget of between $30 to $60 million. The term “blockbuster” has frightening military origins, but is now used to mean a film that has blown the…

Writing Science Fiction Movies

Science fiction movies are one of the most profitable genres in cinema history. These stories tap into the audience’s curiosity of what the future holds for them. It walks the line between the imaginary (fantasy) and plausibility. There are often technological elements in the not too distant future, so the events could veritably occur in…

Product Placement & Product Integration In Film & TV

Nicole Berger, is a unique type of script analyst. While most script analysts are concerned with issues including character arcs, plot and dialogue, Nicole’s role is to mine for opportunities where products and services can be advertised through either placement or integration. PRODUCT PLACEMENT vs PRODUCT INTEGRATION Generally, when we think of products in films or…

Male Archetypes In Movies

How times are achanging in how men are being portrayed in modern cinema. The New York Times explores the new look of cinematic masculinity. THE BIG BABY – These rotund men range from the asexual Kevin James to the nasty Zach Galifianakis. Some are overtly feminized like Tyler Perry. Obese men are no longer the…