What To Do When Your Screenwriting Muse Needs Some Help

Creativity ebbs and flows. Flows and ebbs. It is finite, yet it is infinite. Sometimes there’s a story inside us dying to get written. Sometimes, there isn’t. As screenwriters, our creative juices don’t flow at will. Their will, not ours. But it doesn’t all have to be doom and gloom. Embrace the messiness of the…

What Types Of Scripts Should Screenwriters Focus On To Break In?

Screenwriting is a blessing because it requires so little equipment and expense to write a screenplay. It is also a curse because there are so many screenwriters out there clacking away at their computers. So much competition. But not all competition is created equal. Many scripts end up in the digital trash. That means you…

When Is A Genre Not Really A Genre

There are four main genres in film: action, drama, comedy and thriller (includes horror.) Scripted TV is generally broken down into drama and comedy. Sure, there are hybrids like action comedy and dramedy, but the main genres remain intact. Screenwriters should familiarize themselves with these terms. So when to these genres transcend their boundaries into…

What Format Should You Write In?

Screenwriters often wonder what format best suits their story. Is it a film, TV show or web series? So many questions. Screenwriting is such as versatile writing form, that stories can be told across multiple platforms. The key differential between them is time. FEATURE FILMS This is a full-length film typically spanning 90-120 minutes. Generally…

Note To Screenwriters: Audience Lives Matter

Screenwriters write both to express themselves and to emotionally stimulate an audience. Even if you write a screenplay that you never intend to show anyone, you still have an audience of one.  Audience matters. They need to feel something to continue watching. It’s vital to know your audience. Talk down to them and they’ll dismiss…

Are You Ready To Become A Screenwriter In Demand?

You’ve been clacking on your keyboard for years. Toiling. Churning out movie script after movie script. Your screenplays are piling up, but getting little traction. You start doubting your writing skills. Will you break through? In order to succeed, you need to embrace the screenwriting grind. There is no way around it. Athletes cannot skip…

Should You Set An Emotionally Abusive Character Loose In Your Screenplay?

Only if you want to add authenticity to your screenwriting. Narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, politicians; they all make fascinating characters in your film script. But you need to do your research on common anti-social personality disorders. Characters with personality disorders behave in very specific ways to manipulate other characters into their way of thinking. What are…

Does Your Main Character Have A Guardian Angel?

The main character in many screenplays has a BFF, a guardian angel, an ally, a teacher or a mentor. Although they each have their own nuances, they all serve a similar purpose; to protect, to provide moral guidance and facilitate the path to personal growth. Or as the New Age types call it– manifestation of…

14 Things To Consider Before Naming Your Characters

Screenwriting is serious business. Screenwriters don’t leave anything to chance, especially the names of each character. Naming each character in your screenplay requires thought. Apart from not making multiple character names phonetically similar (unless they’re Sherry and Cherry the identical twins), take some time to consider your characters’ individual backstories, personalities and dramatic functions. Your…

What Makes An Engaging Screenplay?

This is one of the most common questions screenwriters ponder after “How do I sell my screenplay?” The screenwriting bar has been raised many times over the years, so a strong grasp on the writing craft is vital. Your ability to create solid characters with defined goals and formidable obstacles, write scintillating dialogue, and have…

How Many Categories Of Film Comedy Are There?

More than most screenwriters think. Here are some more movie types to get your comedic screenplays completed. 1) HIGH BROW These are comedies aimed at culturally and financially elite audiences. As such, they often deal with lifestyles of the rich and wealthy covering themes such as marrying into wealth, bulking up estates, avoiding taxes and…

How Do Studio Motion Pictures Get Financed?

Film finance is a patchwork of investor finance, studio production funds, tax credits, pre-sales, banks, insurance companies and lots of creative accounting, guesswork and glamor. The ‘Big 5’ studios account for the lion’s share of movie box office revenue. Which Are The Big 5 Film Studios? These are the biggest by revenue and stock price,…